A twofold task

A twofold task, really, something that makes sense
some value somewhere for a good chunk of idlers
all out and in front of the cheapest feasible means
a platform to start with for small incremental gain.

Doers: teachers (less)… networkers: writers (more)
sad indictment, gatherings and invites are scarce
a spare old art not spent, albeit waiting for recall.

Just curious to try some benchmarks with the very latest
fixed, impersonal, ego-directional so that it does not fail;
communities are fluid, just do and see whatever you like.

Is this really a dark moment for everybody trying?
Calm down, we actually created something time ago
we went on making an institution from a miracle
look back and preach to the good savages of today.

Ora in “Strenue”, 2023, ISBN  979-8856708300, stampa indipendente con Amazon.it (scarica qui il .pdf gratuito)