Rorty is dead

(Excerpts from “Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature”, R.Rorty)

Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Dewey
Descartes, Locke, Kant
reference is therapeutic rather than constructive.
What is better for us to believe?
Not ocular metaphors
but aesthetic enhancement in conversation
and mirrors on the voice.


What we mean by mental.
Any functional state is nonmaterial,
not immediately evident to all who look.
Feelings just are appearences,
the universal painfulness itself.
We see pain before the mind,
nothing will serve
save the history of ideas.
You know, not a problem
but a description of the human condition
in your pain becoming mine.


Our glassy essence is something
we share with angels
and we cannot grasp it
but become indentical with
as nonspatial substance.
The eye cannot see nor the ear hear.
Dualism reduces to the bare insistence
that pains and thoughts have no places.


If you had the raw feel
of painfulness, then you had mind.
It is merely a matter of getting
something wrong, having a false belief.
We expect the star to look the same
even after we realize
that it is a faraway ball of flame
rather than a nearby hole,
no difference at all from the outside,
but all the difference in world from the inside.


Let’s focus on pains.
The more one tries to answer them
the more pointless they seem to become.
So the word pain
could have nothing to do with what pain means,
it is impossible for the skeptic to doubt
what he doubts without having some mistake.
Social practice again.


The gray-plaster temperament
of our bald-headed young PhD’s,
the moral to be drawn,
the metaphor is unpacked in this way.
Are you aware of these representations?
Froghood and greenness
is a compulsion to believe.


Naturalistic or historicist
when you understand the social justification.
Koala feel themselves white?
Hund is German for dog,
Robinson believes in God.
The fear of ghosts,
nothing sneaky is going on.
We can fasten with glad cries
upon a startled world,
pulses in the optic nerve
in terms of the consensum gentium,
the infinite regress argument.


How language works?
An oak is a tree
thing idea then word.
A voice in the conversation,
clumsy dialectical instrument,
nonfunctional beauty, This convergence
is an inevitable artifact of historiography,
a marriage function, serious worry
upon such hazardous matters.
It is the homely and shopworn sense
of true.

13-14 June 2007

Ora in “Strenue”, 2023, ISBN  979-8856708300, stampa indipendente con (scarica qui il .pdf gratuito)