Categoria: Poesie

  • A twofold task

    A twofold task, really, something that makes sensesome value somewhere for a good chunk of idlersall out and in front of the cheapest feasible meansa platform to start with for small incremental gain. Doers: teachers (less)… networkers: writers (more)sad indictment, gatherings and invites are scarcea spare old art not spent, albeit waiting for recall. Just…

  • It depends

    It depends on the target, really: value proposition and content differthe former geared toward entertainment, the latter toward analysesspammed enough over here in the last three months to calibrate.My humble take is that influencers from any niche and target follow pools of styles, sets of tones available for direct mimicking of waters.Not taking it personal…

  • It is not

    It is not a stupid question at allnobody has a legit answer yet,so many tentative protocolsmaking the part, which is laudablethe virus, the siesta, the stinginess,take it on the chin, insurance or die.The latent prejudices now rubbing salt,have that utopian benevolence back soon. It really depends on the niche or the industryif you miss or…